Title Loans

Use Your Car To Get A Loan

Auto Loans

Need A New Car We Can Finance It

Business Loans

New or Existing Business

Where ever you are

You can complete application online, before you come into store

Pay with your card

No need to come into store with cash, call in and pay with credit or debit card

It’s Fast and Secure

We process loans fast and on a secure network

Complete application online before coming into branch

Follow this easy steps to get money within 10 minutes

Fill in an application form

on our website

Make a request on our website and wait for response to e-mail within 15-30 minutes from the time of the request during business hours.

Our manager will contact you

to clear up the details

Once application is completed on our website, during business hours our managers will contact you within 15 minutes to confirm submission of application and required documents needed to complete loan.

Pay you loans in the most

convenient way

Pay your loan on our secure website or pay by phone with a live service agent all major credit and debit cards accepted, no need to come into store.

Basic Required Documents “additional documents maybe needed based on loan type”:

you are 18 or older

The minimun age to use our service is 18.

you are a U.S. Resident

Must be a current resident of the United State.

you have a Bank Account

You need an active checking bank account to secure Personal Loan.

valid goverment ID

Drivers License, Passport, State ID

you have a valid Address

Light bill, water bill, or a utility are accepted documents for proof of address.

you have a regular income

You must have an income every month whether it be benefits or a job.

Why people choose U.S. Loan Corp

U.S. Loan Corp offer a totally new way of borrowing

Fair transparent

U.S. Loan Corp offers the best interest rates and does not tack on additional hidden fees to make a profit.

How it works?


Personal loans giving you time to pay off bills and not feel trapped in check to check cycle.

How it works?

Customer Service

U.S. Loan Corp has friendly and knowledgeable staff, along with convenient payment options, .

How it works?

What customers are saying

Hear what our customers are saying